Humans are not orangutans or gorillas. Are there similarities? Of course, there are. Are there many differences? Absolutely yes.
Dogs are not wolves. Are there similarities? Of course, there are. Are there many differences? Absolutely yes. Understanding the similarities and differences between dogs and wolves will go far in helping you to train your dog and modify its undesirable behaviors.

We train you how to understand more about animal behavior. You will understand why you throw food at growling dogs rather than jerking on their pinch collar or choke collar. (We specialize in aggression.) You will understand why positive reinforcement is kinder and more effective than negative reinforcement; why negative punishment is much more gentle and more effective than positive punishment to get rid of bad behaviors. You will also understand how extinction (using neither reinforcement nor punishment) can be a good way to get rid of bad behaviors.
“While we can get ideas of the types of behaviors to study in dogs based on what we know about wolves, the best model for understanding domestic dogs is domestic dogs.” –American Veterinarian Society of Animal Behavior (http://avsabonline.org/
How Smart Is That Doggy in the Window?
Dr. Ian Dunbar on dog-friendly dog training. Wow!
Dogs Are Not Wolves
To be continued. . . .
(This is a work in progress. Please check back frequently for updates.)