Too busy to walk your dog? Too tired? Do you travel a lot? Are you in a wheelchair or have other mobility challenges?
Are you frustrated with a dog that drags you all over the county when you try to take him for his weekly walk?
Do you have a dog (or a pack of dogs) that spends its entire day in the back yard . . . sitting or lying beside the back door, howling or whining all day to be let back in?
WE CAN HELP! Let Jerry Patillo, a Certified Pet Dog Trainer, walk your dog for you! Rain or shine, your dog will receive the physical and mental stimulation that he desperately needs. Not to mention the opportunity to relieve himself. In Jerry’s experienced hands, your dog will also learn HOW to walk nicely on a loose leash at your side. Jerry will actually be the experienced trainer walking your dog, not a young trainee. Just think! No more dragging you around the neighborhood when you do take him for a walk. Just think! You’ll have a better behaved dog in the evenings because he’s been physically and mentally exercised while you were gone. Jerry can assist you with your other training and behavior needs as well.
Jerry can also assist you with feeding and watering your other pets. He’ll bring in the mail and pick up the fliers and newspapers lying around the yard. He’ll turn on and off the radio or television for your pets’ enjoyment. He’ll even leave the light on for ya!
When he walks your dog, Jerry keeps your dog’s safety and well-being in mind at all times. He always double-leashes your dog for your dog’s safety and protection. He never uses choke chains or prong collars, even for big dogs like Labs or Danes. Instead, he’ll use your dog’s regular collar or harness. If appropriate, he may also use a head collar such as a Gentle Leader or Halti to teach your dog to walk nicely on a leash. Your dog doesn’t like to walk with a regular collar or head collar? No problem. Jerry will teach your dog to LIKE walking with a collar and leash.
As you can see in other sections of our Web site, our training methods are ALWAYS dog-friendly. There’s never any jerking, yanking, choking, pinching, or shocking your dog. There’s never any jabbing or kicking your dog — as you see on television! Imagine that! Because your dog will respond so positively to our methods, he will very quickly look forward to his daily or frequent walks with his very own personal trainer!
Call today for more information! Start enjoying your better-behaved, healthier dog today!